This Vitamin D3 is the real deal and the kind I take daily. This bottle comes with a 1-year supply of Vitamin D3 for the low price of just $15.95. This product sells out quickly so get you some today. It's a must that your body has Vitamin D3.
Vitamin D is both a nutrient we eat and a hormone our bodies make. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that has long been known to help the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus; both are critical for building bone. Also, laboratory studies show that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation. Many of the body’s organs and tissues have receptors for vitamin D, which suggest important roles beyond bone health, and scientists are actively investigating other possible functions.
One thing I want to mention again is that Vitamin D plays an important role in strengthening your immune system. As a matter of fact, every single cell in the human body has a receptor for Vitamin D. Vitamin D is the most important and vital vitamin that your body must have and the sad reality is that around half of the adult population aren't getting enough vitamin d.
So therefore we have a population whose bodies are deprived of the main nutrient that it needs which is Vitamin d and this creates a vitamin d deficiency. A vitamin d deficiency can therefore lead to many different health problems that are trying to be fixed by pharmaceutical drugs when
it could be something as simple as a vitamin d deficiency.
Some of these problems are: heart disease, diabetes, immune system disorders, some types of cancer, So what are some of the signs that can help you to be aware and notice what can be a simple vitamin d deficiency.
1. If you get sick a lot and you catch colds easily this shows your immune system is low and one thing you lack is vitamin d. Because vitamin d strengthens your immune system and remember that every single cell in the human body has a receptor for vitamin d and when it's lacking or deficient then it opens a door for sickenss and diseases. Isn't it amazing that some doctors will even recommend that you take a vitamin d supplement but not other supplements.
2. You may also be tired a lot or experiencing chronic fatigue. Many studies have shown that vitamin d deficiency can play a role in lack of energy or fatigue because one of the main symptoms of vitamin d deficiency is fatigue.
3. Depression could also be a sign of Vitamin d deficiency. Not getting enough vitamin d can affect your mood. And did you know that vitamin d is one of the supplements that are recommended in elderly care homes because of the widespread deficiency of vitamin d, because they don't get out in the sunlight much. And it will also help to improve their mood.
4. Another problem that goes along with Vitamin D deficiency is muscle pain. Many people are experiencing muscle pains and it's because their body is deficient in vitamin d. Remember that every cell in the body has receptors and this includes the nerve cells that are responsible for sensing pain. And when there is a vitamin d deficiency this can cause problems in the body's pain signaling system which might lead to increase pain in your muscles. But when you have the proper vitamin d then this give a clear passage way to the pain signaling system.
5. Vitamin D is also closely tied to calcium absorption... look at the book... so when your body isn't getting enough vitamin d then overtime your bones may become weaker because they aren't getting enough calcium. And this can lead to substantial mobility problems like back pain, and arthritis. Arthritis suffers are seriously lacking vitamin d and calcium.
6. In men erectile dysfunction can be as a result of a vitamin d deficiency. Because vitamin d plays a major role in boosting the circulatory system and maintaining circulation. And without proper circulation as a man you're not going to be able to have an erection because of improper blood flow. And when vitamin d is combined with magnesium then you have a powerhouse that can improve the problem in most cases.